The Supreme Audit Chamber has identified violations in the registration of drug supplies worth millions of tenge
When reconciling the data of the information systems of the Ministries of Health, facts of registration of medicines in the amount of 8 million tenge for citizens who left for permanent residence abroad were revealed. This is due to the lack of synchronization of the information systems of state bodies with the information system of the Saqtandyrý Fund, - said Nurlan Nurzhanov, a member of the Supreme Audit Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan, during the Government Hour in the Majilis. He also stated the lack of budgetary and financial discipline in the work of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund.
— During the audited period, the inefficient use of funds allocated for outpatient drug provision and provision of medical services at the expense of the guaranteed volume of medical care amounted to 31 billion tenge, of which the National Fund funds amount to 13.2 billion tenge. The main reason for the inefficiency is poor planning, — said Nurzhanov.
According to him, the Fund also failed to submit regular financial statements for the audited period reflecting transactions on the receipt and expenditure of funds from the republican budget.
In turn, Deputy Nartai Sarsengaliev proposed to the Minister of Health to stop implementing the compulsory medical insurance.
"The compulsory medical insurance system has been in effect for 6 years. During this time, the false positives have not decreased, the deaths continue to be counted, we see how 3-5 month old babies have their teeth treated. Moreover, there is still no unified package of medical services, which the Head of State spoke about in his instruction during the government hour.
In addition, last year the President instructed regional akims to pay contributions from local budgets. This initiative was not supported. If you look at it this way, we introduced the compulsory health insurance in order to test our people.
The old system doesn't work, and neither does the new one. People don't know where to go. In this regard, I have a suggestion: maybe we shouldn't bother and stop implementing the OSMS until it reaches its perfection?"
Healthcare experts at this meeting expressed the opinion that the system of compulsory social health insurance in Kazakhstan is still young and has been in operation for only 5 years. Despite the shortcomings and criticism voiced during the government hour, the compulsory social health insurance system also has significant advantages. Thanks to this system, Kazakhstanis have received greater access to diagnostic services, the number of doctor consultations has increased, and the list of medical services available free of charge has significantly expanded.
"When everyone pays a little, it is very convenient. Everything goes to the general account of the FSMS. One operation costs at least 500 thousand tenge, the same operation to remove appendicitis. For example, one visit to the doctor, ultrasound, but there are also serious cases: organ transplantation or oncology, when the bill goes into the millions! And only with such a system can all people be provided with medical care. Patients in the UK or Canada wait two years for a planned operation, and wait up to 6 months for an appointment with a doctor, unless it is an emergency," said Vyacheslav Lokshin, an expert in the field of healthcare.
Experts emphasize that the system requires improvement, but has great potential for development and improvement of the quality of medical care in the country.