The Ministry of Health stated that the accounts payable of medical organizations in Kazakhstan decreased by 44%
As reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a result of systemic measures taken by the Ministry of Health last year, the accounts payable of medical organizations in Kazakhstan at the end of 2024 decreased by 44%, and overdue debt by 19%.
In addition, the number of medical organizations with accounts payable decreased by 26% (from 762 to 561), which indicates positive changes in financial management in the medical sector.
Based on the results of the analysis, three main reasons for high debt were identified:
Low rates for medical services;
Unjustified purchase of medicines and medical products;
Insufficient level of financial discipline and management.
In response to these issues, an action plan was approved in March last year, including operational measures to improve the situation.
One of the key steps in 2024 was an increase in tariffs for 5 main medical profiles, which improved the volume and quality of medical care in the field of obstetrics and childhood.
The overall increase in tariffs amounted to 52%, and the amount of financing on an annual basis reached 20 billion tenge.
From January 1, 2025, tariffs for palliative care have been increased by 42%, and for rehabilitation care for children - by 20%.
In addition, in 2025, the additional need to increase tariffs for 9 profiles will amount to 84.2 billion tenge.
These measures have improved the financial sustainability of health care providers and ensured better quality care for patients.