Multizan® Ferrum L is a combination of iron bisglycinate (30 mg) and L-methylfolate (400 mcg). Iron is a vital element that is present in the human body, particularly in the hemoglobin of red blood cells. It participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin, hematopoiesis, and cellular respiration, in the production of thyroid hormones, which is important for the blood-vascular and immune systems, metabolism, general health, and appearance. The iron bisglycinate complex contained in Multizan® Ferrum L includes divalent iron chelated with amino acids (glycine) which enhance iron absorption by the body and improve the gastrointestinal tolerance to iron. Two glycine molecules that protect iron are precursors of hemoglobin. Chelated iron does not dissociate in the stomach, so it is completely absorbed in the small intestine and does not affect the gastric mucosa. Iron bisglycinate does not affect the absorption of other minerals and nutrients since the molecule is ionically neutral.
Iron bisglycinate contained in Multizan® Ferrum L is: · Suitable for vegetarians. · Kosher, certified product. · Gluten-free and GMO-free. · Safe, as the safety of iron bisglycinate is recognized by EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and FDA (US Food and Drug Administration).
The product is used as an additional source of iron and folic acid for female patients > 14 years of age, including periods of pregnancy and lactation. It is recommended for correcting iron deficiency (iron deficiency and folic acid deficiency (megaloblastic) anemia, latent iron deficiency), as well as for primary and secondary prevention of iron deficiency and folic acid deficiency: · during pregnancy and lactation; ·in chronic and prolonged bleeding in women during their menstrual period (hypermenstrual syndrome); ·in impaired absorption of nutrients (coeliac disease, malabsorption, inflammatory bowel diseases); · for vegetarians; · for blood donors.
To cover the normal physiological requirements for iron, take 1 tablet a day with meals by swallowing the whole tablet with water or juice. For correcting iron deficiency, the dose and duration of treatment should be adjusted by a physician on an individual basis.
30 tablets are placed in 1 blister. A blister and the Patient Information Leaflet are packed in a cardboard box.
Store in a dry place. Do not store above 30°C. Keep out of reach of children.
3 years. Do not use the product beyond the expiry date.
Lamyra LLP, UK (address: Scottish Provident House, 1st Floor, 76-80 College Road, Harrow, Middlesex, England, HA1 1BQ) at the manufacturing site of Quest Vitamins, Middle East FZE, UAE (address: Plot S20708A, Jebel-Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE).
Наименование, адрес и контактные данные (телефон, факс, электронная почта) организации на территории Республики Казахстан, принимающей претензии (предложения) по качеству лекарственных средств от потребителей и ответственной за пострегистрационное наблюдение за безопасностью лекарственного средства:
Организация, принимающая претензии по качеству продукции на территории РК ТОО «Алдимед», РК, 050051, г. Алматы, мкр. Самал – 1, дом 1 Тел.: 8 (727) 263-27-34, е-mail:
Уполномоченное лицо, в т.ч. на прием претензий, на территории ЕЭАС ООО «Ламира-Фармакар», 222215, Республика Беларусь, Минская обл., Смолевичский р-н, Озерицко-Слободской с/с, 10Б вблизи аг. Слобода, комн. 55.