+7 (727) 331 52 60
Distribution of medicines and medical devices.
Pharmaceutical production
L-carnitine (levocarnitine) stabilizes metabolism to the level necessary for the complete burning of fats and carbohydrates entering the body, reduces the formation of fat deposits, and accelerates metabolism. It is needed in case of exposure to physical and mental loads or stress. L-carnitine has an antioxidant effect and successfully eliminates toxins and free radicals. The main action of levocarnitine is aimed at reducing fat in the muscles and overweight. It improves digestion of food by the body by increasing the secretion and activity of gastric juices. L-carnitine also prevents the narrowing of blood vessels in the brain and heart as it reduces harmful cholesterol in the body. Levocarnitine reduces damage to muscle cells and is effective when the body adapts to stress and loads, as well as increases endurance and overall tone.
Наименование, адрес и контактные данные (телефон, факс, электронная почта) организации на территории Республики Казахстан, принимающей претензии (предложения) по качеству лекарственных средств от потребителей и ответственной за пострегистрационное наблюдение за безопасностью лекарственного средства:

ТОО «КФК «Медсервис Плюс»
050004, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, ул. Маметовой, 54
Телефон/Факс: (727) 279 98 21
E-mail: pharmanadzor@medservice.kz