+7 (727) 331 52 60
Distribution of medicines and medical devices.
Pharmaceutical production
Bebble - Toothpaste strawberry
DESCRIPTION: The baby’s first little tooth should mark the beginning of a proper oral hygiene routine. During the first few months of teething, you can clean gums and growing teeth by using our Teething Gel and soft clean cloth. When your child is 8-12 months old, you can start teaching them how to brush their teeth with a toothbrush. The low-abrasive and anti-caries ingredients of Bebble’s baby toothpaste gently cleans the first teeth. Natural xylitol prevents the growth of microorganisms and helps to strengthen dental enamel. Our baby toothpaste does not contain fluoride, preservatives or colourants, which makes it harmless when swallowed. Children love the subtle strawberry flavour, and the paste can be used from a very young age in helping to establish a proper oral hygiene routine. Important: this product does not contain mint or fluoride, which makes it suitable for use in combination with homeopathic pharmaceutical products.
Наименование, адрес и контактные данные (телефон, факс, электронная почта) организации на территории Республики Казахстан, принимающей претензии (предложения) по качеству лекарственных средств от потребителей и ответственной за пострегистрационное наблюдение за безопасностью лекарственного средства:

ТОО «КФК «Медсервис Плюс»
050004, Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы, ул. Маметовой, 54
Телефон/Факс: (727) 279 98 21
E-mail: pharmanadzor@medservice.kz