Vice Minister of Healthcare Yerbol Ospanov spoke about current problems in healthcare in Kazakhstan and plans to solve them through digitalization. Ospanov touched upon the problem of tracking medicines, emphasizing that it begins with planning the need and accounting for the drugs provided. This year, digital prescriptions were introduced, which allow tracking the path of the medicine - from delivery to the medical institution to its implementation and provision to the patient. Despite this, Kazakhstanis still complain about the lack of medicines.
"This is work within the framework of the social wallet. 75% of the total volume of medicines within the framework of outpatient drug provision is currently provided only in digital format, through the social wallet. This is about 1.6 million prescriptions over the past two months. We plan to cover 90% of medicines next year," the vice minister said, noting that this could help and improve the situation.
Speaking about digitalization in healthcare in general, Yerbol Ospanov noted that its goal is to improve the availability of medical services and the quality of service.
"We are working to ensure that this primarily helps our citizens - reducing queues, improving the quality of services and ensuring the availability of patient data at any time of day and in any place. We hope that 2025 will be a defining year," he emphasized.
Источник: Казахстанский Фармацевтический Вестник,
"This is work within the framework of the social wallet. 75% of the total volume of medicines within the framework of outpatient drug provision is currently provided only in digital format, through the social wallet. This is about 1.6 million prescriptions over the past two months. We plan to cover 90% of medicines next year," the vice minister said, noting that this could help and improve the situation.
Speaking about digitalization in healthcare in general, Yerbol Ospanov noted that its goal is to improve the availability of medical services and the quality of service.
"We are working to ensure that this primarily helps our citizens - reducing queues, improving the quality of services and ensuring the availability of patient data at any time of day and in any place. We hope that 2025 will be a defining year," he emphasized.
Источник: Казахстанский Фармацевтический Вестник,