For adults: as part of combined therapy for the treatment and prevention of diseases accompanied by connective tissue hyperplasia:
in gynecology: treatment and prevention of adhesions in the pelvis in chronic inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs, including tuboperitoneal infertility, uterine synechiae, chronic endometritis
in urology: treatment of chronic prostatitis, interstitial cystitis
in surgery: treatment and prevention of adhesions after surgical interventions on abdominal organs and long-term non-healing wounds
in dermatovenerology and cosmetology: treatment of localized scleroderma, non-infectious onychodystrophy, keloid, hypertrophic scars after pyoderma, injuries, burns, surgeries, Grade II-IV acne vulgaris with cicatricial deformities (post-acne)
in pulmonology and phthisiology: treatment of pneumosclerosis, fibrosing alveolitis, tuberculosis (fibrocavernous TB, infiltrative TB, tuberculoma)
in rheumatology: treatment of joint contracture, including Dupuytren's contracture and flexion tendogenic contracture of the hand, arthrosis, ankylosing spondylitis, hematomas
for enhancing bioavailability: when administered concomitantly with antibacterial agents in urology, gynecology, surgery, dermatovenerology, pulmonology, to enhance the effect of local anesthetics.