There are no interruptions in the supply of medicines in Almaty – Anti-Corruption Service


Almaty TV Channel
Special groups continue monitoring of the availability of medicines in pharmacies and warehouses of the city. There is no shortage of medicines and interruptions in the supply of medicines from Kazakhstani and foreign manufacturers at the largest Almaty warehouses. This became known during the inspection by the monitoring group consisting of the Anti-Corruption Service and public figures. The purpose of the raid is to establish the reason for the rise in price of antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs in pharmacies of the metropolis.

Dina Zhanabekova, сorrespondent's report.

After checking the shelves packed to the brim with medicines in one of the large city warehouses, the auditors made sure that there was no shortage of medicines from a large supplier. The inspectors also did not find an overestimation of the marginal prices fixed by the Ministry of Health.

"In Europe, where the drugs being purchased, the prices are now rising. But, nevertheless, they sell them at prices that are fixed, approved by the Ministry of Health. Sales are not carried out above them," reported Daniyar Taumurat, First Deputy Head of the Anti-Corruption Department of Almaty.

As reported by the suppliers themselves, foreign manufacturers explain the increase in the cost of drugs by the rise in the price of raw materials. And before applying to companies with a more loyal pricing policy, they carefully check the quality of the medicines offered.

"The cost of the products is not at the forefront, but the safety and quality of the products and the effectiveness of medicines. Therefore, we pay attention to the quality of the products, and, secondly, to the cost of the products. Since it is very important that the products entering the territory of the republic are safe and of high quality," reports Saida Yerdenbekova, Business Development Director of Medservice Plus.

"Thousands of packages of medicines from these shelves are delivered daily to all pharmacies and medical institutions of the country. There are fourteen such warehouses in Kazakhstan. According to the company's representatives, there is no shortage of supplies from manufacturers today," the journalist reports.

Thus, the sale prices of drugs being released from warehouses are fixed and strictly monitored by the Ministry of Health. However, as it turned out, the suppliers have no information about the cost at which medicines are sold to pharmacies by pharmaceutical companies.

"Today we have clearly made sure that, basically, the situation in the warehouses is controllable. And suppliers value their license and organise sales at a retail price. We have made our conclusions, so this brings up a question, it turns out that the failure is somewhere in the chain. And from the warehouse to the pharmacy subsequently. Or it is being outbid somewhere internally, and everyone increases marginality, and as a result the price rises. I mean that these are unscrupulous pharmacies which are now raising prices and taking advantage of this, making super profits," says Daniyar Taumurat, First Deputy Head of the Anti-Corruption Department of Almaty.

Special groups continue to monitor the availability of medicines in pharmacies and warehouses, and also make sure that the drugs in demand are sold at prices fixed by the Ministry of Health.

Dina Zhanabekova, Meiram Isabekov, Almaty TV channel.