By Order No. 111 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 25, 2024, amendments and additions were made to the Order No. 127 of the Minister of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 11, 2023 "On approval of the Rules for the procurement of services for the storage and transportation of medicines and medical devices, services for the accounting and sale of medicines and medical devices by a single distributor within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care, an additional volume of medical care for persons held in pre-trial detention facilities and institutions of the penal (penitentiary) system, at the expense of budgetary funds and (or) in the compulsory social health insurance system" (not put into effect).
In particular, the following changes have been made to the rules:
paragraph 5 is set out as follows:
“5. A single distributor determines for one lot:
1) administrative-territorial unit (region) when purchasing services for the storage and transportation of medicines (operational warehouse);
2) administrative-territorial unit (region) when purchasing services for the storage and transportation of medical products (operating warehouse);
3) region of service for the purchase of services for the storage of medicines (distribution center);
4) region of service for the purchase of services for the storage of medical products (distribution center);
5) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medicines (from the distribution center to the operational warehouse);
6) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medicines (from the distribution center to the recipient, as well as between distribution centers);
7) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medical products (from the distribution center to the operational warehouse);
8) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medical products (from the distribution center to the recipient, as well as between distribution centers);
9) region of service when purchasing services for the storage and transportation of medicines and medical devices when concluding a long-term contract.";
paragraph 6 is set out as follows:
“6. The distribution center provides storage services in the service region.”;
paragraph 7 is set out as follows:
“7. If a tender or a separate lot for the purchase of services through an operational warehouse is declared invalid:
1) the distribution center provides storage services;
2) a supplier providing transportation services from a distribution center to a recipient, as well as between distribution centers, provides transportation services.
If the purchase of a service for the transportation of medical products or a service for the transportation of medicines (from a distribution center to an operational warehouse) is recognized as unsuccessful, such a service shall be provided by the supplier providing the transportation service from the distribution center to the recipient, as well as between distribution centers.”;
supplemented with paragraph 7-1 of the following content:
"7-1. The supplier of medicine transportation services, medical device transportation services providing transportation services at the location of the distribution center carries out transportation of goods between distribution centers.";
The order shall come into effect upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication by the IS “Reference Control Bank of NPA RK in Electronic Form” on December 27, 2024.
The full text of the document can be found on the portal:
Источник: Казахстанский Фармацевтический Вестник,
In particular, the following changes have been made to the rules:
paragraph 5 is set out as follows:
“5. A single distributor determines for one lot:
1) administrative-territorial unit (region) when purchasing services for the storage and transportation of medicines (operational warehouse);
2) administrative-territorial unit (region) when purchasing services for the storage and transportation of medical products (operating warehouse);
3) region of service for the purchase of services for the storage of medicines (distribution center);
4) region of service for the purchase of services for the storage of medical products (distribution center);
5) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medicines (from the distribution center to the operational warehouse);
6) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medicines (from the distribution center to the recipient, as well as between distribution centers);
7) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medical products (from the distribution center to the operational warehouse);
8) region of service when purchasing services for the transportation of medical products (from the distribution center to the recipient, as well as between distribution centers);
9) region of service when purchasing services for the storage and transportation of medicines and medical devices when concluding a long-term contract.";
paragraph 6 is set out as follows:
“6. The distribution center provides storage services in the service region.”;
paragraph 7 is set out as follows:
“7. If a tender or a separate lot for the purchase of services through an operational warehouse is declared invalid:
1) the distribution center provides storage services;
2) a supplier providing transportation services from a distribution center to a recipient, as well as between distribution centers, provides transportation services.
If the purchase of a service for the transportation of medical products or a service for the transportation of medicines (from a distribution center to an operational warehouse) is recognized as unsuccessful, such a service shall be provided by the supplier providing the transportation service from the distribution center to the recipient, as well as between distribution centers.”;
supplemented with paragraph 7-1 of the following content:
"7-1. The supplier of medicine transportation services, medical device transportation services providing transportation services at the location of the distribution center carries out transportation of goods between distribution centers.";
The order shall come into effect upon expiration of ten calendar days after the day of its first official publication by the IS “Reference Control Bank of NPA RK in Electronic Form” on December 27, 2024.
The full text of the document can be found on the portal:
Источник: Казахстанский Фармацевтический Вестник,