A new section called "State support measures" was added to the document.
It included:
➣ provision of free and subsidized meals to certain categories of students and pupils in comprehensive schools; ( paragraph 175 of the same name was excluded )
➣ provision of medicines, specialized medicinal products, and medical devices to certain categories of citizens; ( paragraph 286 of the same name was excluded )
➣ provision of personalized financing for recipients of educational services for preschool education and training.
The order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 14, 2024 No. 801/НҚ can be found on our portal https://pharmnewskz.com/ru/legislation/prikaz-ministra-cifrovogo-razvitiya-innovaciy-i-aerokosmicheskoy-promyshlennosti-rk-ot-14-dekabrya-2024-goda--801n_10110 .
Источник: Казахстанский Фармацевтический Вестник, pharmnews.kz
It included:
➣ provision of free and subsidized meals to certain categories of students and pupils in comprehensive schools; ( paragraph 175 of the same name was excluded )
➣ provision of medicines, specialized medicinal products, and medical devices to certain categories of citizens; ( paragraph 286 of the same name was excluded )
➣ provision of personalized financing for recipients of educational services for preschool education and training.
The order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 14, 2024 No. 801/НҚ can be found on our portal https://pharmnewskz.com/ru/legislation/prikaz-ministra-cifrovogo-razvitiya-innovaciy-i-aerokosmicheskoy-promyshlennosti-rk-ot-14-dekabrya-2024-goda--801n_10110 .
Источник: Казахстанский Фармацевтический Вестник, pharmnews.kz